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Our Agency

arcs is an independent, not-for-profit community agency offering professional counselling, support, education and information to anyone living with the reality of adoption and/or being separated from family.

Our history

arcs was founded in 1984 in response to Dr Robin Winkler's pioneering research into relinquishment and adoption.

Dr. Winkler identified adoption as a life-long experience with unique and ongoing challenges for all parties; birth parents, adopted people and adoptive parents.  His vision was to provide a safe space with specialist services, for all those affected by adoption.

In recent years, the services offered by arcs have expanded to include individuals and families dealing with issues of family separation, connection and reconnection. 

Our values

We appreciate, and will listen to, your life experience.  arcs will work with you, respecting your wishes and individual situation.  We are mindful of achieving the best possible outcome for all concerned. 

arcs values:

    • Child focus
    • Compassion
    • Confidentiality
    • Inclusiveness
    • Integrity
    • Respect 

Our commitment

Here at arcs, we provide confidential, professional, therapeutic counselling; backed by years of experience and caring for individuals and families.

We are committed to hearing all, maintaining a balanced view and supporting people to draw upon their own unique strengths.